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It’s been our mission since the beginning to serve kids and families so they live better lives and have brighter futures. Our entire team is dedicated to that mission and strives to help every individual in our growing community live an educated, empowered life.

We’re here to help entire families begin on a journey to health. We see moms, dads, and children of all ages, from newborns to teenagers and will help ensure that you and your family get more out of life.

Learn more about our team here










Dr Jason has done extensive post doctorate training in pediatrics and pre-natal care.

Read more about him in his bios and learn why he loves what he does and how he can help you!







Find out what we can do for you and contact us today to book your appointment!


Meet the Team


ELISSA - Business Manager

Being at Trinity Life Center since the beginning, and watching it grow has been one of the highlights of my life!

TLC practice members here are truly family and it’s an amazing honor to be on this journey with them. While I spend most of my time behind the scenes working from home, you will still find me behind the front desk. I have done it all at one time or another though! When I am not working, I homeschool and live the Farm Life with our 5 boys. One of my highest callings is empowering Mamas on their health journey so they have the freedom to live life to their fullest potential.

I love being a part of a community where families feel empowered, supported, seen and heard! It’s not just something we do. It is who we are!


MELODY - Operations and Launch Manager

No one knows Melody’s actual birth date. She magically emerged from an active volcano between Cuba and Colombia driving a party bus some 30 odd years ago. Melody doesn’t just create experiences. She IS the experience any time you share space with her. Her enneagram type is a caffeinated lightning bolt. To acclimate to her energy levels, you would need to warm up by getting electrocuted while drinking espresso. She isn’t just bilingual in Spanish and English. She fluently speaks a language of love and making everyone she meets feel like they are the most important person in the world! Dr. Jason may be the owner, but Melody runs this place!





MARNAI - Chiropractic Assistant

My adventures at Trinity Life Center started around 10 years ago when I brought in my own child for care. We saw such amazing results, our whole family started going. After a number of years of chiropractic care, I joined the TLC team in 2017. I always enjoy meeting and interacting with our clients, sharing with them, learning from them, and seeing how their health transforms with chiropractic care.

The daily connection with wonderful people, being a part of their health journey and celebrating their wins along the way is what I love the most.



About Trinity Life Center | (919) 267-9388